Here’s some helpful information…


Golf Day Details

Date: Friday 10th September 2021

Arrival Time: Please arrive at Goodwood by 10am latest for registration

Tee Times: We have the tee reserved from 11am - 12:30pm

Departure Time: You’re all welcome to stay as long you’d like to and we’d love for you to spend the evening with us - you’ll be pleased to know that the bar stays open until the last person leaves!! However, for those of you who will be making your way home on Friday evening, the BBQ will be served around 5:30pm and we’d anticipate that the prize presentation and raffle etc will have concluded by around 7 pm.

Format: The golf will be played as a Stableford competition, with the best 2 scores (from 4) from each hole counting. There will be some mini-games within the round such as longest drive, closest to the pin and more.


How to Join the Hubbl Golf Day

If you haven’t already, you can register to join the golf day here.

How to pay the entry fee

Please send your £100 entry fee to the following bank details…

Name: J Seymour
Account No: 80132638
Sort Code: 60-83-71
Reference: HGD + Your Name