What Is Analytics & Reporting?

Data is a word that we’ve all heard of and in marketing there is an overwhelming amount of data thrown at us on a daily basis from a plethora of sources. Multiple 3rd parties promise that their app, algorithms or software can deliver the data we need to help us become successful. But data is meaningless unless we understand it and know how to use it to improve what we do. Analytics is the process of identifying meaningful patterns in raw data. Reporting is the ability to share it in an insightful and useable way.

At hubbl. we’ll ensure that you’re tracking all of the metrics that are relevant to your business and present it back to you in a clear and coherent format on a regular basis, so you’re always up to date with how things are going and can make the necessary changes as and when needed.


It Starts With Objectives, KPI’s & Goals

Three words we hear all the time; Objectives, KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) & Goals. But what are they and why are they important in your analytics and reporting strategy? Well let’s start with their definitions…


What is it that you’re trying to achieve - “We want to grow our business this year”


What do we need to measure in order to know if we’re successful? - “Revenue, ROI, Website Sessions”


The level we need each KPI to reach in order to achieve our objective -”£200k revenue, 700% ROI, 23,000 website sessions”

Once we know what we want to achieve, how we’re going to measure it and the numbers we need to hit, we can begin implementing the appropriate tracking to ensure we’re measuring all the right data-points.

We might want to track KPI’s such as website sessions, cart abandonment rates, user flows and shopping behaviours, drop-off points, button clicks, form submissions or repeat purchase rates.

Speak to the team today to discuss your Objectives, KPI’s & Goals

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Why Do I Need Analytics & Reporting?

“What you don’t measure, you can’t manage” - It’s a saying that we live by here at hubbl.

How can you possibly know the health of your business, whether your marketing activity is working or where the biggest opportunity lies if you don’t measure what’s happening? Analytics & Reporting doesn’t need to be multiple complex dashboards and dozens of numbers that you don’t understand, it could be as simple as one high-level dashboard that you check once per week. We’ll work with you to understand the needs of your business and ensure your analytics and reporting are hitting the mark.

Speak to the team today to discuss your analytics and reporting requirements


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