What Is PPC Advertising?

As its name suggests, Pay Per Click (PPC) allows advertisers to reach online audiences, only paying when a user clicks on an ad. PPC allows extremely high levels of control, giving advertisers the ability to determine exactly which audiences see their ads, when and where they see it and how much they’re willing to pay for every click.

The speed of implementation, targeting options and positive ROI achieved through PPC is why it’s one of the most important marketing tactics in any digital marketing strategy.

Speak to the team to find out how we can get PPC working for you



Types Of PPC To Consider…

The world of PPC is constantly changing. With the introduction of new technologies, bidding strategies, attribution models, data and user behaviours, PPC has changed dramatically over the years. Gone are the days whereby you’d simply target a collection of keywords, enter your budget and off you’d go. Today; retargeting, shopping feeds, display, social media, video and mobile apps are all considered instrumental in creating a successful PPC strategy. hubbl. will craft a unique strategic approach to PPC advertising to suit the budgets, objectives and business requirements of each client.



Our Approach to PPC Advertising…

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Which PPC Platforms Does hubbl. Work With?



Supercharge Your PPC Performance With A Free PPC Audit


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