What Is Brand Identity?

Well firstly, let’s explain what it’s not - brand identity isn’t just a fancy logo and a catchy strap-line.

Strong brand identity goes right the core of a business and is woven into the fabric from top to bottom. It’s the very essence of what a company stands for, how they behave, communicate and do business. It dictates which markets they operate in, who their customers are and which products or services they sell. It’s fundamentally why customers do or don’t buy from them.

In order for brand identity to be adopted across a business, it’s vital to have measures in place to ensure that when a cheaper, easier or quicker option presents itself, the brand identity remains true. Consumers can see right through inauthenticity when it comes to brand identity - it’s all too easy to have a webpage detailing ‘our values’ and then never look at them again or forget them when the going gets tough.

If you want to build a loyal following that are proud to be associated with you, one that will shout about your brand to their friends and family, having a consistent and authentic brand identity is not optional.

Speak to the team today to discuss your brand identity.



Brand Guidelines

One of the best ways to ensure a consistent brand identity is to document the fundamental characteristics of the way your brand looks, feels and communicates in a set of brand guidelines.

Brand guidelines can become the leading-light in building a strong brand identity, ensuring that every member of your team understands your brand.

At hubbl. when we’re commissioned to build brand guidelines we take pride in really getting under the bonnet of our client, before recommending an approach to help build their brand in an authentic and passionate way, which will resonate with their key target audience.

Speak to the team today to discuss your brand guideline requirements.

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Create Your Brand Identity - Chat To The Team Today


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